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chronic illness

My doctor said it as matter of factly as you might say the sky is blue; “you have lyme disease”…

I’ll just come out and say it at the beginning: for me, it has taken a long, long, long time, and a lot of practice, to start to feel like mindfulness or meditation is “working” at all…

Sharing seven of my most reliable pain relief techniques that don’t involve taking a pill…

While much of the world jumps back into a work and school routine, I’m left after the holidays to pick up the pieces of my health, managing flared up symptoms and resuming my treatment protocol.

Sharing eight of the biggest themes and lessons this year taught me.

In my experience, holidays + migraine = challenging. To take things to the next level, holidays + travel + migraine = extra challenging. Here are my top five tips for holiday-ing with migraine (+ chronic illness in general).

Sharing my MM Amazon Gift Guide and my top ten (non-amazon) gift recommendations of 2018! Enjoy and happy gifting

Despite all of my positive vibes and hopeful energy, Aimovig unfortunately was not an effective migraine treatment option for me…

One of the most simple but impactful ways my friendships have been strengthened and maintained is through texting. After telling my close friends and family how they can help me via text; I began to feel more connected and supported.

Every person experiences migraine disease differently, but there is often variety in how specific migraines present on an individual level #confusing. The slow build is ironically also a slow drain. As pain builds, energy for the fight fades.


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