Hi, I'm Natalie!

This is my story of learning to create calm inside chronic illness, heart-crumbling grief, and life’s seasons of deep pain. Embracing mindfulness was the turning point in my healing journey that helped me shift from barely coping with a life of chronic illness to consciously creating a life well-loved. It’s my deepest hope that sharing my experience can empower you to navigate whatever difficulties you’re facing with a more gentle, resilient, joyful heart.

I am so excited to welcome you to my online home.


Life well-loved

Practical healing advice, musings on mindfulness, finding joy in the journey, and everything in between.

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I believe that no matter our challenges, we have the power to develop a mindset that allows us to navigate life’s hardships with more ease.

I started Mindful Natalie to share my ever-evolving healing journey and the story of learning to create calm inside of health chaos and embrace resilient joy, no matter the challenges that unfold.

Expanding my ability to hold space for joy and pain simultaneously gradually reconnected me to my soul; the part of me that is wildly and unconditionally in love with the life living through me.

When my brief, precious time on this earth is over, what I want most deeply is to look back and see the story of a bright, warm, heart-minded person, loving and being.

I hope my story can serve as a lantern, making this world a little bit lighter for other souls traversing tricky, beautiful, brave paths.

Mindful Natalie

on instagram

I’m most active on Instagram, where I share my day-to-day lifestyle, soul-care routines, and actionable tips to cultivate a life well-loved. Follow along @mindfulnatalie and join our #instafam!

“Your bravery to be open with the realities of your life with illness and the vulnerability you share with us about your mental processes inspire me to be more confident and open up about my experience. Thank you for being a guiding light for those of us on this journey”

“Thank you for speaking the way you do about your pain and your harder days. Seeing your words is a constant reminder for me to breathe wherever I am.”
- Irene

"Natalie has a grace and poise that is hard to match. She is so honest, the struggles are real, the pain ever so present, and that is what makes her page so valuable: it hits you on another level and reminds you that no matter how much pain there is, the present moment is always there to connect with.

"Through your words, I’ve learnt how to cope, how to ride the huge unpredictable waves that regularly come crashing down around me. I’ve learnt that despite being different to the life I once expected or hoped to live, there is joy everywhere just waiting to be found, it all boils down to being willing to find it.”
- Jen

“I come to your page often during my migraine attacks and your language seeps compassion and light while I am lost in the dark. You are a being of light and I am grateful for you. Keep shining girl.”
- Amanda

“I don’t have chronic pain, but I find your account so soothing and uplifting. I think EVERYONE on the planet could benefit from all the tools that you use and all of the self care/love/mindfulness you express!”
- Emily

“I’ve been following you for many many years (back in the early days) and your feed has helped me so much. You help me remember to slow down and take care of my hurting body”
- Macie

“Your bravery to be open with the realities of your life with illness and the vulnerability you share with us about your mental processes inspire me to be more confident and start opening up about my experience. Thank you for being a guiding light for those of us on this journey”
- Heather

“Thank you for everything you have done for this community and for the world. Your soul is golden, and your light is endless”
- Sophie

“Thank you for speaking the way you do about your pain and your harder days. Seeing your words is a constant reminder for me to breathe wherever I am.”
- Irene

“Your bravery to be open with the realities of your life with illness and the vulnerability you share with us about your mental processes inspire me to be more confident and start opening up about my experience. Thank you for being a guiding light for those of us on this journey”
- Heather

“Can never tell you enough how grateful I am for your honesty, vulnerability and encouragement. Our pains are different but at the same time they’re not at all. The way you bridge it all is so inspiring and the hard work you put into it does not go unnoticed. Thank you for all you do and are”
- Rebekah

“You have managed to put feelings and thoughts I had about my chronic illness into words that I was then able to share with friends and family. Thank you for making it easier for me to communicate the complex nature of what it’s like to live with a chronic illness”
- Jessica V

“Mindful Natalie has a grace and poise that is hard to match. Her gentleness and resilience despite the storm going on in her head and body is so awe-inspiring it's literally hard to put it into words. Her words though, hit the soul and go straight through to the heart."
- Evie T.

“Your writing makes me feel so seen because it is always so spot on that I feel like you’re talking about me, but you put it into words and describe it better than I ever could”
- Sophie C


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