Folded over my knees, I thought to myself that over the course of my lifetime, through every change and chapter; this mat, and this pose, would always be there for me…

After spamming my insta-stories with nut butters for the past couple of weeks it only felt fair to write out one of the recipes here and #spreadthelove. 

These #lovinglately lists are one of my favorite things to read on blogs so I thought I’d round up some of the things I’ve been super enjoying this month. I’ll post these monthly or every couple months and share one item per category: food, podcast, audiobook, book, drink, health, fashun and misc.

What I’ve found most important about this practice the act of carving out 10-20 minutes at the beginning of each month to check in with yourself and evaluate where in your life you’d like to create space and change…

Alright guys, this recipe is UNREAL and so easy. It tastes like a combination of a Pressed Juicery freeze and Wendy’s frosty. I am so glad Emma Carey posted this on her instagram because it’s been my go to afternoon snack or dessert when I’m craving sweets!


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