As many of you already know, I’ve been a big fan of weighted blankets for several years now. I bought my first one somewhat skeptically (you can read my first ever weighted blanket review, here!), but through the course of using it consistently, over a long period of time, I’ve come to love and depend on the extra weight and added comfort when I am resting or sleeping.
My weighted blanket consistently helps me sleep through the night more deeply. I am reminded of this whenever I travel, because if I don’t have the option to bring it with me — the difference in my rest and sleep quality is immediately discernible.
Weighted blankets, bright sunshine and puppy snuggles — these are a few of my favorite things!
In diving into the research behind weighted blankets with more detail, it was reassuring to see existing empirical studies (#science) that back up the efficacy of these blankets I have come to adore so much.
I learned that the theory behind weighted blankets is to provide a medium through which application of “Deep Touch Pressure” can be utilized. Deep Touch Pressure therapy is not a completely new idea ( studies and practices date back to the 90’s) but the popularity of weighted blankets in recent years has brought this treatment method into a greater spotlight. And so far, science has shown repeatedly that it is founded on solid ground. Deep Touch Pressure can have demonstrable impacts on anxiety, insomnia — a whole spectrum of challenges that many in the chronic illness community face!
In addition to sleeping better at night, my weighted blanket has become a crucial tool in my arsenal for managing symptoms throughout the day.
It allows me to better access my own source of calm inside stormy and chaotic conditions (whether those are within or around me). When I’m experiencing high pain, consuming anxiety or even just emotional overwhelm, a weighted blanket truly brings me a deeper sense of groundedness.
I used a Gravity weighted blanket for years, which did an amazing job, but it generally lived under my duvet cover and wasn’t bringing any extra décor to my very particular cozy, color and texture coordinated, bedding collection.
When I started to see photos of the Bearaby Napper blanket online, I was immediately drawn to the gorgeous design of their products. As I learned more about the brand, their eco-conscious and ethical sourcing, and emphasis on safe, non-toxic supplies in the creation of their blankets, my intrigue quickly transformed into desire.
To be honest, before learning about Bearaby’s knitted weighted blankets, I didn’t know about the fact that most weighted blankets rely on materials harmful to the environment such as synthetics for the fabrics or glass and plastic pellets for the filling. Sadly, non-reusable and non-recyclable materials like this are more likely than not to end up in a landfill at some point. In learning about the sustainable and ethical production practices in place at Bearaby, I felt more able to make an informed and personal decision as a consumer as to what kind of product I wanted to support — one of my intentions to be more mindful of in 2021
If you’ve been around the blog for a while, you know this girl loves to play pretend interior designer and go full fixer-upper on any room in our home at the drop of a hat.
Loved by canines and humans alike
My Cloud White Bearaby Napper has become a new staple on top of our bed as a beautiful throw, and one I often bring downstairs to create a cozy corner in our living room.
The way my Bearaby blanket blends in cohesively with my existing bedding and is so visually pleasing and has brought me an extra dose of joy on many days.
Though aesthetics might not be the most important criteria when looking for a weighted blanket, I found I underestimated what a “cherry on top” and an added #joyjolt bonus it would be to a perfectly functional and amazing product.
Not only is this blanket effective and stunning — it is well made, and well sourced. While I don’t regret purchasing my Gravity blanket in the least bit, it is so rewarding to have taken a “step up” in procuring my Bearaby blanket, which fits and resonates with me more authentically!
My Napper has truly become one of my most utilized and trusty wellness resources and anxiety tools. Not to mention an aesthetically pleasing addition to our home décor that I display with pride and joy. I was gifted this blanket through Bearaby and after using it for 4 months I can safely say that I would not hesitate to buy this product, and might be doing so to add to my collection very soon.
Please leave any questions or feedback below! I’d love to hear your experience with weighted blankets and whether they’ve been a helpful tool in your wellness resource library.
And, lastly, a big thank you to the team at Bearaby for creating such a high quality, unique and gorgeous product.
I share each step along my road to wellness and healing and hope that in doing so I can inspire you along your own path. Thank you so much for being here.
I need one