Avulux Migraine Glasses Review


  1. Courtney says:

    I am so excited to read your review! I don’t know if you’d know the answer but thought I’d ask; do you know if these can be made with an eye prescription? When I return to work in a few months the overhead lights and computers hurt my eyes but I need glasses but I feel these could be helpful …. and double glasses would not be #fashun lol

    • Avulux says:

      If you wear prescription, the Avulux ‘for prescription’ frame options come with both a frame and titanium clip-on. The clip-on contains Avulux migraine lenses while the frame contains blank lenses that customers can replace with their own prescription at their local optometrist.

  2. Jackie Coffin says:

    I’m really excited to try these. Could you advise what options we should select if we are using them to help with migraine? I want to make sure I set them up properly/get the correct lenses. Is it the blue light blocking and light adjusting? Thank you, Natalie!

    • Avulux says:

      Hi, Jackie. There is only one Avulux migraine lens to choose from on our website. If you wear prescription, our ‘for prescription’ option comes with both a frame and titanium clip-on. The clip-on contains our Avulux migraine lenses while the frame contains blank lenses that customers can replace with their own prescription at their local optometrist.

  3. Bern says:

    Do you prefer these to Theraspecs and Axon? If so, why? 🙂

  4. Michelle Tracy says:

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  5. Katy phelan says:

    I can’t wear sunglasses because I feel nauseous. Even if the frame wrap around the ears .

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