This has been difficult for me to write, as I had a lot of feelings to process about my Aimovig experience before I became comfortable sharing an update. I want to preface this post by saying that every person’s migraine story is different, and what works for me might not work for you, just as what doesn’t work for me might actually work for you.
Dose #3, Sept 2018 and still hopeful
Despite all of my positive vibes and hopeful energy; unfortunately, Aimovig was not an effective migraine treatment option for me. This was hard to accept, and it’s something I’ve been hesitant to share. I passionately believe in the CGRP research and the wave of new treatment options coming down the pipeline, and I don’t want my experience to discourage anyone suffering from migraine from trying this medication.
Aimovig is available at 70mg or 140mg monthly dosages. I did the 140mg dose for three months (July-September), during which time my migraine severity and frequency record was at its worst in more than a year. My plan had been to trial the medication for four months, but as I was preparing to have the fourth box of injections shipped out, it felt like an internal alarm went off inside of me. A loud, clear, intuitive voice said: it is time to stop this medication, it is not helping you…you have given it your best shot, but it is time to stop.
I’d become so consumed with managing the multi-month flare, that the “decision’“ to stop or continue the medication before my planned four month trial wasn’t something I hadn’t even considered. However, once I did make space to think about that possibility, it was clear as day that Aimovig was not helping me. I knew that it was time to stop the medication, take a break and then go #ontothenextone.
Dose #1, July 2018
As far as the medication itself, I experienced very few side effects (woo!). Admittedly, the injections themselves were a little more painful that I’d anticipated (I was imagining a botox-like “prick”, but for me, the Aimovig definitely had a more of a “sting”). I had no other side effects except some constipation (which I can’t even directly tie to Aimovig, since I struggle with GI dysfunction on a regular basis).
My sense has been that since its FDA approval in May, the expectations about Aimovig have been sky high across the migraine community. While the CGRP pathway is an exciting new development, it is not a cure-all for migraineurs. I think there has been a lot of confusion and disappointment when it doesn’t live up to its expectation as a migraine “wonder drug”.
As my wise, beautiful, talented and good friend Amy, from @themigrainelife said, “the experts and doctors behind it never made such bold claims, and that’s who I listen to. What they said was that it was exciting for migraine. It is a huge leap in treatment and the data does show it works, but not for everyone. It’s efficacy is about the same as other drugs on the market for migraine prevention, but the difference being this drug is designed FOR migraine!”.
So, despite my experience with Aimovig as a treatment option, I remain hopeful about where things are headed in the future. I will be trying one of the other new CGRP medications, Emgality, next and I remain optimistic. And, because my experience is only ONE person’s story, I wanted to include some other Aimovig reviews in this post from individuals in our insta community ⬇️
Positive Review, @emsmigraine
My Aimovig experience has been nothing but positive! The day after getting 70mg, my pain was considerably lower than it has been since 2012, but I thought it must have been a fluke. The weeks after, my everyday migraine pain was lower & a lot more manageable. Since then, I’ve had two rounds of 140mg, still with my bad days, but the good days are making everything a lot more worth it. The only side effect that I’ve noticed is that I get itching around the injection site (all over my thighs) but it only lasts a few hours. For anyone that has the opportunity to try it, I would definitely go for it! I know everyone is different, but living with chronic migraines, everything is worth a go!
Positive Review, @katieellen7
Aimovig has decreased the severity so much that I don’t have to miss work for a migraine anymore. I also only had to take my triptan one time in three months instead of every week or more. I also feel a lot less brain fog. I’m able to remember things more and focus more at work and at home.
Positive Review, @emrosemonty
I have had migraines for 13 years. I started experiencing them in high school at age 17. Sometimes they would last a few hours, but the majority would last days and even weeks sometimes. They are debilitating and leave me completely out of commission. Since their initial onset I’ve tried what feels like every combination of preventative migraine medication available. For awhile Botox significantly decreased the number of migraines I had, and I thought it would be the answer to my problem. But in the last two years, my migraines started to increase in frequency and intensity. In July my neurology team decided to start me on Aimovig. I give myself 1 injection in each leg (that’s two 70mg injections) for a total of 140mg a month. I was told it might take as long as 4-6 weeks to see any kind of effect. Before I started Aimovig, I was having migraines 20+ days a month.
Here are my results so far: In August my migraines decreased to 10 migraine days a month. By month two they had dropped to 6 migraine days. In month three I had 7 migraine days. And so far this month (Nov 14th), I’ve had only 2 migraine days.
I believe Aimovig is directly responsible for lowering my migraine frequency. Another thing to note is the severity of my migraines has been reduced, as well as the intensity of the accompanying symptoms (aura, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, neck and back pain, double vision, and dizziness). So far I have not experienced any major side effects with Aimovig (I have been on it for 4.5 months). I’m feeling cautiously optimistic at this point.
Positive Review, #instafam
Since starting Aimovig, my migraines have decreased from an average of 18 a month to around 10 per month. I am currently taking one 70 mg shot. I will start taking twice this dosage this month in hopes that I can knock even more migraines out. It hasn’t been a “miracle drug” but it has given me more pain-free days.
Positive Review, @bunnynhare
I just completed 5 months of Aimovig and am very pleased with the results. For two months I took 70mg and didn’t notice significant changes. When the Dr. increased my dosage to 140mg I noticed improvement right away. I have gone from 12-15 migraine attacks per month down to 3-6!! Unbelievable!! I do still take ALL of my other preventatives plus Botox. I also find my migraines are easier to abort with my triptans. Very pleased overall and pray this continues. I truly wish the same improvement for others
One day at a time.
Thanks to all who contributed to this post, and a special thanks to everyone who sent such supportive messages during my Aimovig trial. Treating chronic migraine is messy and confusing and unfortunately there is no “one size fits all” solution – but I am committed to getting better management of this condition and sharing each step of that wellness journey with you. To anyone else still “trudging” through it, I see you, I know how how hard it can be and I know that we will get there.
Happy healing and thank you for following along this journey. It means more to me than I can express ♥️
I share each step along my road to wellness and healing and hope that in doing so I can inspire you along your own path. Thank you so much for being here.